Life - Atom" href="" /> A Day in the Life: Encourage Yourself

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Encourage Yourself

I must admit. It is a good feeling when others give words of encouragement to us. Something; I guess in the fact that somebody took the time to glance at us in our situation and pause despite the issues going on in their own lives to give us a word of support. Even we, ourselves, become instruments of inspiration in the turbulent affairs of others. “You can make it! With God all things are possible! He may not come when you want him; but he’s right on time.”

However, it seems that we, during our own times of trial and tribulation lack the tools…

No. Forgive me. We lack the willingness to access the tools that would motivate us to a place of courage.

Today, I say to all:
Rise - Take the time to glance at yourself in your situation;
Take thy bed - Pause despite all that you are going through;
And Walk - Encourage Yourself!

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