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Friday, March 9, 2007

Waiting or Loitering

“Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.”

I’m convinced that many of us confuse the act of loitering with the act of waiting. The Bible reading, though clear in content, has been interpreted by some to be a declaration of rationalized idleness.

We tell ourselves and others, often, “I’m just waiting on the Lord.” But in actuality, we are just loitering, hanging around with no anticipation of victory just a minor curiosity of things to come. We ask the question, “Will God?”

Though the act of loitering, through the natural, can at times resemble waiting, it is not the same. Be careful. One can get arrested for loitering. When one is loitering, he or she is simply lurking. This person is actively inactive; sitting, standing, kneeling, walking, talking, etc. Yet, there is no productivity, no growth.

Likewise, waiting should never be confused with hesitation, delayed activity. Nor should the act of waiting be confused with procrastination, denied activity.

The process of waiting is simple.

In order for one to wait, there must first be within that person expectation. And where there is expectation, there is hope and vision. And where there is hope and vision, there is faith. “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen.” And where there is faith, there is activity.

Let's not forget: “Faith without works is dead.”
So what are you waiting For?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree, we have good intentions but sometime we do nothing. We really think that God is going to send something down from the sky, so therefore, we are always saying I'm going to wait and see what the lord is going to do. We need to step out more on faith and know that the lord will make away, maybe not our way, but surely his way. And that way we will move a little faster and doing things instead of slowing around and doing nothing.