Life - Atom" href="" /> A Day in the Life: The Eternal and Temporary

Saturday, March 3, 2007

The Eternal and Temporary

I believe, as we often say in church, that this world is not our home.

The good news is that the kingdom has already come. For many it has not yet been realized. Some are still waiting for a Messiah and some are awaiting the earthly power of kingdom establishment. I do not accept the notion that eternity begins at the point of death; nor do I accept the idea that eternity begins with the return of Jesus Christ. I do, however, believe that eternity is occurring right now.

Time is a temporary phenomenon created by God that allows us a period of transition from a temporal mindset to an eternal mindset. The Bible speaks of how we, human beings, desire a change from the confines of the earthy. “For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven (2 Corinthians 5:2, KJV).”

While I do accept that there is joy on this side, the prerequisite of this joy being a life in Christ; I believe even more that there is so much more awaiting us on the other side when all will have entered in to eternity.

Right now we experience good and bad. Evil is presently allowed to fester. Inequities continue to flourish throughout society. And goodness is encouraged to persevere.

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