Life - Atom" href="" /> A Day in the Life: Change Your Mind

Monday, March 5, 2007

Change Your Mind

There is an old song that talks about newness through transformation.

"I looked at my hands and they looked new. I looked at my feet and they did too."

I believe that we, humans, have a fascination with the change that occurs on the exterior, outside. Perhaps it is because, external changes are more apparent, noticeable; not only by others but to ourselves.

Paul wrote however about a different type of change, a renewing of the mind. Isn't it funny how something thought of as so insignificant to many could have such a rippled affect on an entire household, community, world. A changed mind could bring an entire household to God. A changed mind could bring peace to an etire community. A changed mind could bring an end to violence in the entire world. A changed mind could even call troops home.

I looked at my hands one day, and though they they looked new, due to soap, water, and plenty of lotion; they performed the same acts as the old hands. It wasn't until, I changed my mind, through the Word of God and the practicing of that Word, daily, that the new look in my hands and feet ceased their superficiality.

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