Life - Atom" href="" /> A Day in the Life: ENCOURAGE YOURSELF

Friday, September 14, 2007


The Bible tells us that, as David was in the process of fulfilling his destiny to become king of all Israel, he suffered a setback. The enemy came suddenly and took away his family. Along with David, those that followed him also suffered tragedy; in that their families were also taken captive. These followers were not just meandering curiosity seekers; they had at one time previously professed acceptance and belief in David’s vision of a kingdom united under the true and living God.

It must have been heartbreaking to hear, just outside his tent door, the chatter and murmuring of once-upon-a-time supporters of dissatisfaction, disappointment, and disgust for the situation and the seemingly impotent leader David.

In a world where approval ratings determine lifespan and life expectancy of administrative and political careers; continuous support from others, whether it be financial, emotional, or spiritual, should not be relied upon nor expected.

But like David, you’ve got to encourage yourself. No person can support you unless they are willing to lower themselves to where you are; this person must be willing to sacrifice his or her time, pride, comfort, and even his or her will to position themselves even lower to assume a posture that is able to support the weight of another, a burden bearer. The only one that I’ve been able to rely on for this type of support is Jesus.

Yet I must call on the ability entrusted to me by God to support myself. "...And having done all to stand. Stand Therefore..." Ephesians 6:13-14

Encourage my soul and let us journey on.
Though the night is dark, and I am far from home.
Thanks be to God, the morning light appears.

The storm is passing over,
The storm is passing over,
The storm is passing over, Hallelu!

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