Life - Atom" href="" /> A Day in the Life: Where's the Glory?

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Where's the Glory?

Romans 5:3 reads: “We glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience.”

But I have to ask myself; where is the glory, the celebration, the rejoicing?

Please understand the focus of this today’s BLOG is limited to my own behavior. In other words, the views expressed here reflect my own self, psyche, and soul and in no way resemble the attitudes or thinking of other persons”.

Well at least for today.

Where is the glory?

Have I not grown or matured enough as Job? Job accepted the bad along with the good.
Or have I not yet experienced enough of the evils in this life to rejoice that God can deliver me from every one. What good if praise, celebration, worship, if it only functions in response to the better and not the worse?

I know.
I’m asking too many questions. But these are the questions that I choose to ask myself.

Are there any questions that you ask yourself?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know I have had questions in the past . Why this is always happening to me or happening in my family. Lord what have I done to deserve this? Why I can't be happy? One day I was walking up from five points marta station feeling like the world was on my shoulder to scared to ask the Lord why me. I was walking and I felt the sun on my face giving me warmth I felt the greatest warmth withing me. I felt blessed. All the misery I was feeling faded and I just lifted my face to the warmth of the sun. I felt so good. Well, I don't have questions only comments. Maybe we should just live and not question everything.