Life - Atom" href="" /> A Day in the Life: A Humbling Experience

Monday, April 9, 2007

A Humbling Experience

Hello Everyone,
I'm just writing to express to all how much I appreciate God's people. For about two weeks I have been sick; cold, sinus, alergy, fever. Through this experience the Lord has shown me the other side of the sick room.

I usually enter the sick room as visitor, minister, priest, pastor; however, for the last two weeks, I have been the recipient of all the above personalities. It was a blessing to see the motivational spiritual gifts of compassion, service, teaching, exhortation, giving, and leadership working within the saints, as they ministered to me.

I'm reminded of Moses at the battle of Amalek, Exodus 17. Moses was physically exhausted. His helpers Aaron and Hur blessed him by assisting him in his work by positioning him in a secure seated positition and holding up his hands so that he could maintain a position of victory.

Like Moses I had to be willing to receive help from those of whom I was chosen to minister.

Again, I thank God for his people.

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