Life - Atom" href="" /> A Day in the Life: Has God Ever Disapponted You?

Friday, March 16, 2007

Has God Ever Disapponted You?

Has God ever disappointed you?

Wait! Take a minute before you respond to consider the question. I’m not asking a question that should cause anyone to question the concern of God for his creation. Neither is this a question posed to bring into question or undermine the authenticity of the many promises of God found in God’s Word. Rather this is a question that should cause all that read this blog today and hereafter to reflect on his or her own state of mind during times where God’s response to prayer, sickness, crisis, and other issues of life did not agree with his or her own expectation.

An answer of yes should not cause any rift in one’s relationship with God or mankind. I cannot assume your answer. I can only answer this question for myself. My answer is yes. There have been times in my life in which God has disappointed me. Some would call this statement a departure from faith. Actually, it is a continuance toward the arrival of spiritual maturity.

In other words, for me, there have been times when I did not immediately agree with God’s response to my prayers, questions, decisions, or difficulties. But I ask you; how many children, even the most obedient children, in their adolescence agree with their parents? At times this disagreement has caused me not to hear, acknowledge, or differentiate the voice of God. But, I’ve come to realize that God’s ways and humanity’s ways are quite different. For as it is recorded in God’s Word: Human beings look at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart.

So I ask you. Has God ever disappointed you?
May you find truth in yourself.

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