Life - Atom" href="" /> A Day in the Life: Active God

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Active God

God invites us to work in partnership with Godself. God is Lord of all; yet God allows us to choose him for ourselves. There is a greater, perfect plan; yet God gives us the opportunity to decide to work within that plan, outside that plan, even against it.

God’s nature is as a personal being, a God who is interested in the affairs of his people and who treasures relationships of love with his creatures. Jesus said that we can ask anything in his name.

We are drawn toward God through Christ in praise and worship and by the power of the Spirit. The trinity, Father, Son, Holy Ghost, is about the divine movement toward us in love and God's desire to draw us into a life-giving relationship.

God permits humans, as active partners, to dispute with him in forging plans for the future. However, I believe that God’s will is still performed. Despite our free will, God is still sovereign.

And God is actively personal, actively present, actively participating, and actively performing everyday.

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